Hitting problems with the UI

In my game i wanted each ‘screen’ in the NetLogo to be a different rendering, hence i stored room interconnects in an array (as previously posted). I’ve not been able to find a way to make this array work in the same method I would for python.

As I have a better understanding of the Netlogo tiles/patches, I could use something like the ‘pacman’ maze, but make the necessary changes to meet my gaming requirements.

As such I stated with the level editor to make a basic map to see if my understanding would work.

pacman map editor basic form

I was able to give settings for px/pycor and patch size to get a really nice ‘map’ for the pac-man character to work around in.

adjust px,pycor and patch size results in a good size gaming area

I can use the netlogo turtle shapes editor to make my own monsters and hero.

netlogo shapes editor

Therefore, i will create my hero and monsters and then start building apon the logic in pacman code. I want my character to have attributes and also to have to collect objects, much like the classic ‘Atic Atac’ game on the ZX Spectrum. I’ll also create a ‘special’ monster (a dragon), that will have ‘health’ protecting a special exit key.

Classic Spectrum game ‘Atic Atak’

I’ll use sliders and ticks to make ‘health’ and ‘time’

The biggest coding challenge will be making a ‘weapon’ as pacman doesnt have a weapon as such, but creating a key and then a procedure should be less complex than my original plan of using a multi-room array to present each screen.

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